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Noun commencement has 3 senses
  1. beginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go, start, kickoff, starting time, showtime, offset - the time at which something is supposed to begin; "they got an early start"; "she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"
    --1 is a kind of point, point in time
    --1 has particulars:
     birth; incipiency, incipience; terminus a quo, starting point; threshold
  2. commencement, commencement exercise, commencement ceremony, graduation, graduation exercise - an academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred
    --2 is a kind of exercise
    --2 has parts: baccalaureate
  3. beginning, start, commencement - the act of starting something; "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"
    --3 is a kind of change of state
    --3 has particulars:
     springboard, jumping-off point, point of departure; activation; attack, tone-beginning; constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation; Creation; introduction, debut, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entry; face-off; first step, initiative, opening move, opening; groundbreaking, groundbreaking ceremony; housing start; icebreaker; inauguration, startup; initiation, founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instauration; installation, installing, installment, instalment; jump ball; kickoff; resumption, recommencement; scrum, scrummage; startup
    Derived forms: verb commence3, verb commence2, verb commence1
commence admin phase phase2 commence includes db connect commence includes include all fns commence includes main fns commence includes page includes page commence includes user authen fns commence reviewer includes include all fns commenced commencement commencement ceremony commencement day commencement exercise commencements commencing commencment commend commendable

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