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Noun comedian has 2 senses
  1. comedian, comic - a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts
    --1 is a kind of performer, performing artist
    --1 has particulars:
     clown, buffoon, merry andrew; comedienne; gagman, standup comedian; joker, jokester; top banana; Benny, Jack Benny, Benjamin Kubelsky; Burns, George Burns, Nathan Birnbaum; Caesar, Sid Caesar, Sidney Caesar; Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin, Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin; Durante, Jimmy Durante; Fields, W. C. Fields, William Claude Dukenfield; Hardy, Oliver Hardy; Hill, Benny Hill, Alfred Hawthorne; Hope, Bob Hope, Leslie Townes Hope; Keaton, Buster Keaton, Joseph Francis Keaton; Lauder, Harry Lauder, Sir Harry MacLennan Lauder; Laurel, Stan Laurel, Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel; Martin, Steve Martin; Marx, Julius Marx, Groucho; Marx, Leonard Marx, Chico; Marx, Arthur Marx, Harpo; Marx, Herbert Marx, Zeppo; Moore, Dudley Moore, Dudley Stuart John Moore
  2. comedian - an actor in a comedy
    --2 is a kind of
    actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player
    --2 has particulars: comedienne
come up with something come upon come with comeau comeback comecei comecon comecy comedian comedians comedic comedienne comedies comedious comedo comedone comedones

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