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steve martin


Definitions from WordNet

Noun steve martin has 1 sense
  1. Martin, Steve Martin - United States actor and comedian (born in 1945)
    --1 is a kind of actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player; comedian, comic

Definitions from the Web

Term: Steve Martin

Noun: Steve Martin refers to an American actor, comedian, writer, and musician who rose to fame in the 1970s.

Sample Sentence: Have you seen the latest movie starring Steve Martin? He always delivers hilarious performances!

Noun: Steve Martin can also be used to refer to a person who shares the same name as the famous actor.

Sample Sentence: I met a guy named Steve Martin yesterday, and I couldn't help but ask if he was related to the famous actor.

Verb: To Steve Martin (colloquial) means to entertain or amuse someone with witty remarks or comedic acts.

Sample Sentence: During the party, John was Steve Martining everyone with his jokes and funny impersonations.

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