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nathan birnbaum


Definitions from WordNet

Noun nathan birnbaum has 1 sense
  1. Burns, George Burns, Nathan Birnbaum - United States comedian and film actor (1896-1996)
    --1 is a kind of vaudevillian; comedian, comic

Definitions from the Web

Nathan Birnbaum


Nathan Birnbaum is a renowned Austrian Jewish intellectual and activist. He is best known as the founder of the political and cultural movement, Zionism. He played a crucial role in advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Sample Sentences:


  1. Nathan Birnbaum's contributions to Zionism have been widely recognized.
  2. The biography explores the life and achievements of Nathan Birnbaum.


  1. The Nathan Birnbaum Foundation aims to promote Jewish culture and heritage.
  2. Her speech was reminiscent of Nathan Birnbaum's ideological beliefs.

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