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Definitions from WordNet

Noun harpo has 1 sense
  1. Marx, Arthur Marx, Harpo - United States comedian; one of four brothers who made motion pictures together (1893-1964)
    --1 is a kind of comedian, comic
    --1 is a member of Marx Brothers

Definitions from the Web

Term: Harpo


Definition: A character in the Marx Brothers comedy films, known for his silent and zany antics. Example Sentence: Harpo's hilarious performance in "Duck Soup" had the audience laughing uncontrollably.


Definition 1: To communicate or express oneself through nonverbal means, often using gestures or actions. Example Sentence: Unable to speak the local language, he had to harpo his way through the conversation using exaggerated hand motions. Definition 2: To play the harp skillfully and passionately. Example Sentence: The talented musician harpoed the audience with a captivating harp solo.


Definition: Relating to or characteristic of the Marx Brothers comedy style, involving slapstick humor and absurd situations. Example Sentence: The movie showcased a series of harpo moments that had the audience rolling in laughter.

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