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beef tongue


Definitions from WordNet

Noun beef tongue has 1 sense
  1. beef tongue - the tongue of a cow eaten as meat
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Beef Tongue

Noun - Food: Beef tongue refers to the muscle of a cow's tongue, typically used as a meat product.

Sample Sentence: I love the tenderness and flavor of beef tongue in tacos.

Noun - Anatomy: Beef tongue can also refer to the muscular organ found within the mouth of a cow.

Sample Sentence: The beef tongue is a strong and versatile muscle used for chewing and swallowing.

Adjective - Popular: When something is described as "beef tongue," it means it is currently trending or popular.

Sample Sentence: That fashion trend is so beef tongue right now.

Adjective - Local: In certain regions, "beef tongue" may refer to a colloquial slang term used regionally.

Sample Sentence: Only the locals understand the meaning of "beef tongue" in this small town.

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