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antonyms for acclimate


Definitions from the Web

Term: Antonyms for Acclimate


1. Disorientate: To confuse or bewilder someone, making it difficult for them to adapt to their surroundings. - Example: The sudden change in climate disorientated the tourists. 2. Stifle: To prevent someone from adjusting or adapting to new surroundings or conditions. - Example: The restrictive policies stifled the company's ability to acclimate to the market. 3. Hinder: To obstruct or impede the process of adapting or adjusting to new circumstances. - Example: The lack of resources hindered the refugees from acclimating to their new home.


1. Unfamiliarity: The state of being unfamiliar or unaccustomed to surroundings. - Example: The feeling of unfamiliarity was overwhelming as she entered the foreign city. 2. Resistance: The act of opposing or refusing to adapt or adjust to new conditions. - Example: Their resistance to change made it difficult for the team to acclimate to the new management style.

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