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antonyms for agnostic


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Agnostic Antonyms

An antonym is a word or phrase that has the opposite meaning of another word. Below are some antonyms for the term agnostic:

Noun Antonyms:

  1. Believer: One who has faith or confidence in the existence of a higher power.
  2. Devotee: A person who is extremely committed to a particular religious belief or practice.
  3. Theist: Someone who believes in the existence of a god or gods.

Adjective Antonyms:

  1. Certain: Having no doubt or uncertainty; confident in beliefs.
  2. Faithful: Loyal, devoted, and unwavering in one's religious convictions.
  3. Religious: Devoted to religious practices or beliefs.

Sample Sentences:

  • Even though he was once an agnostic, he eventually became a devout believer.
  • I can't understand how someone can be so devoted to a religion when I am completely uncertain about it; we are total antonyms in our beliefs.
  • She had always been a faithful follower of her religion, so becoming an agnostic was a significant change for her.

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