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antonyms for abashed


Definitions from the Web

Antonyms for Abashed

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Feeling embarrassed, self-conscious, or ashamed

Description: Find antonyms for the feeling of being embarrassed, self-conscious, or ashamed.

Sample Sentences:

  1. She felt confident and assured, not at all abashed by the crowd's attention.
  2. Tom's humorous comment made her laugh, diminishing her abashed feelings.
  3. Instead of being abashed, she gracefully accepted the award with pride.

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Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: Cause to feel embarrassed, self-conscious, or ashamed

Description: Discover antonyms for the action of causing someone to feel embarrassed, self-conscious, or ashamed.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Her kind words helped comfort him instead of abashing him further.
  2. The supportive team applauded her efforts, ensuring not to abash her in any way.
  3. Instead of abashing him with sarcasm, she praised his accomplishments sincerely.

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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A person or thing that contrasts with or is the opposite of abashed

Description: Explore antonyms that describe a person or thing that contrasts with or is the opposite of the feeling of being abashed.

Sample Sentences:

  1. In the play, the bold character acted as an antonym to the abashed protagonist.
  2. Her confident demeanor was an antonym for the shy and abashed girl she used to be.
  3. He taught her to be fearless, a true antonym of the abashed personality she held onto.

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