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antonyms for ale


Definitions from the Web

Antonyms for Ale

Noun - Antonyms for Ale

Ale is a type of alcoholic beverage, often described as a strong, fermented malt with a bitter taste. Here are some antonyms for ale:

  • Lager: a type of beer that is fermented at low temperatures and usually has a mild taste.
  • Pilsner: a light, golden-colored lager beer.
  • Stout: a dark, strong beer with a roasted flavor.
  • Porter: a dark, malty beer with a hint of bitterness.
  • Cider: an alcoholic beverage made from fermented apple juice.

Adjective - Antonyms for Ale

Ale can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to ale. Here are some antonyms for ale:

  • Nonalcoholic: not containing alcohol.
  • Clear: transparent or easily seen through.
  • Light: having a small amount of substance or weight.
  • Watery: thin or diluted in consistency.
  • Weak: lacking strength or intensity.

Sample Sentences

Here are some sample sentences using the term "ale" in different contexts:

  1. I prefer lagers over ales because I enjoy their lighter taste.
  2. The local brewery is known for its excellent stout ales.
  3. She ordered a pint of cider instead of ale.
  4. He brewed a nonalcoholic ale that tasted surprisingly good.
  5. The clear ale in the glass sparkled under the sunlight.

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