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Adjective ade pt has 1 sense
- adept, expert, good, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilful - having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a proficient engineer"; "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"; "the effect was achieved by skillful retouching"
Antonym: unskilled (indirect, via skilled)
Noun ade pt has 1 sense
- ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz - someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
--1 is a kind of expert
--1 has particulars: track star