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Adjective trifling has 1 sense
  1. negligible, paltry, trifling - not worth considering; "he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost"; "piffling efforts"; "a trifling matter"
    Antonym: valuable (indirect, via worthless)
Noun trifling has 1 sense
  1. dalliance, dawdling, trifling, wasting time - the deliberate act of wasting time instead of working
    --1 is a kind of delay, holdup
    Derived form: verb trifle1
Verb trifle has 3 senses
  1. piddle, wanton, wanton away, piddle away, trifle - waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
    --1 is one way to spend, pass
    Derived form: noun trifling1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
  2. frivol, trifle - act frivolously
    --2 is one way to act, behave, do
    Derived form: noun trifler1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
  3. dally, trifle, play - consider not very seriously; "He is trifling with her"; "She plays with the thought of moving to Tasmania"
    --3 is one way to consider, take, deal, look at
    Sample sentence:
    Sam wants to trifle with Sue
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