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sweat off


Definitions from WordNet

Verb sweat off has 1 sense
  1. sweat off - lose weight by sweating; "I sweated off 3 pounds in the sauna"
    --1 is one way to
    reduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, thin, slim down
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Sweat Off

Part of speech: verb phrase

Definition: To remove perspiration from one's body by exerting oneself physically or using a towel or cloth.

Sense 1: To remove sweat by exerting oneself physically.

Example sentence: After an intense workout at the gym, she sweated off all the stress of the day.

Sense 2: To remove sweat using a towel or cloth.

Example sentence: He grabbed a towel and sweat off his face before continuing the race.

Part of speech: noun phrase

Definition: A product or technique used to eliminate sweat from the body.

Sense 1: Sweat-reducing products.

Example sentence: She found a great sweat-off antiperspirant that keeps her dry throughout the day.

Sense 2: Techniques and methods to eliminate sweat.

Example sentence: The use of sauna suits is a popular sweat-off technique among athletes.

Part of speech: adjective + preposition phrase

Definition: Used to describe something that has been removed by sweating off.

Sense 1: Completely eliminated or removed through sweating.

Example sentence: After an intense cardio session, she felt great having sweat off all the excess calories.

Sense 2: Having removed sweat from a specific body part or area.

Example sentence: He wiped his face with a towel, sweat off his forehead in the process.

Part of speech: adverb + particle

Definition: To accomplish a task or goal through hard work and perseverance, often involving physical exertion.

Sense 1: Achieve something by giving maximum effort.

Example sentence: She successfully sweat off the extra pounds by following a strict exercise routine.

Sense 2: To overcome a challenge through determined and persistent effort.

Example sentence: With determination, he sweat off the competition and secured first place in the marathon.

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