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sweat equity


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sweat equity has 1 sense
  1. sweat equity - interest in a building that a tenant earns by contributing to its renovation or maintenance
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Sweat Equity


Sweat equity is the value that is added to a property or business by the labor, commitment, and effort put in by its owners or partners instead of financial investment.



1. The couple earned their dream house through sweat equity by renovating and improving it over several years.

2. Startups often rely on sweat equity, with founders giving their time and expertise to build the company before seeking external investment.


1. She started as a sweat equity partner, working tirelessly to establish herself in the business before becoming a co-owner.

2. The company was built on sweat equity contributions, with each employee having a share in the business.

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