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Noun stink has 1 sense
  1. malodor, malodour, stench, stink, reek, fetor, foetor, mephitis - a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant
    --1 is a kind of smell, odor, odour, olfactory sensation, olfactory perception
    --1 has particulars: niff, pong
    Derived form: verb stink2
Verb stink has 2 senses
  1. stink - be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance; "This term paper stinks!"
    --1 is one way to
    Derived form: noun stinker3
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s
  2. reek, stink - smell badly and offensively; "The building reeks of smoke"
    --2 is one way to smell
    Derived forms: noun stink1, noun stinker2
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s
stinking nightshade stinking smut stinking wattle stinking weed stinking yew stinkingly stinko stinkpot stinks stinkweed stinky stinky rotten stinky squid stinsil stinss stint stinted

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