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stinking yew


Definitions from WordNet

Noun stinking yew has 1 sense
  1. stinking cedar, stinking yew, Torrey tree, Torreya taxifolia - rare small evergreen of northern Florida; its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed
    --1 is a kind of yew
    --1 is a member of Torreya, genus Torreya

Definitions from the Web

Stinking Yew


The term "stinking yew" refers to a variety of trees or shrubs that belong to the genus Torreya. They are known for their foul-smelling fruits and can be found in various regions around the world.

Part of Speech:



Sense 1:

A type of evergreen tree or shrub (genus Torreya) that produces foul-smelling fruits.

Example sentence: The stinking yew in our backyard emits a pungent odor whenever its fruits ripen.

Related products: Torreya Seeds

Sense 2:

A common name for the plant Torreya nucifera native to East Asia, known for its aromatic nuts, which are used in traditional medicine.

Example sentence: Many locals believe that the seeds of the stinking yew possess healing properties and are used in various herbal remedies.

Related products: Torreya nucifera extract


Popular Usage:

In everyday language, "stinking yew" is often used to describe any plant that emits a foul odor.

Example sentence: I walked past the stinking yew in the park and couldn't stand the smell!

Local Usage:

In certain regions, particularly those where stinking yews are commonly found, the term may be used to refer specifically to these trees or shrubs.

Example sentence: The local herbalist recommended using the leaves of the stinking yew for treating skin conditions.

For more related products, please visit: Amazon - Stinking Yew

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