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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial steeply has 1 sense
  1. steeply - in a steep manner; "the street rose steeply up to the castle"
    Derived from adjective

Definitions from the Web

Term: Steeply

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1: In a steep manner; at a high gradient or slope.

Example sentence 1: The hikers struggled to climb the steeply inclined mountain.

Example sentence 2: The road descended steeply into the valley.

Sense 2: Very quickly or rapidly.

Example sentence 1: The stock market prices are falling steeply.

Example sentence 2: He gradually increased his speed, then accelerated steeply.

Sense 3: By a large margin; significantly or dramatically.

Example sentence 1: The company's profits have steeply declined this year.

Example sentence 2: The population of the city has grown steeply over the last decade.

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