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Definitions from WordNet

Noun restaurateur has 1 sense
  1. restaurateur, restauranter - the proprietor of a restaurant
    --1 is a kind of owner, proprietor

Definitions from the Web



A restaurateur refers to a person who owns or operates a restaurant, typically involved in its management, finances, and overall success. They are responsible for creating and maintaining a pleasant dining experience for the customers, ensuring the quality of food and service, and managing the staff.

Sample Sentences:

  • John is a renowned restaurateur who owns several successful restaurants in the city.
  • My friend aspires to become a restaurateur and open his own restaurant one day.
  • The restaurateur personally greeted us at the entrance and ensured our dining experience was exceptional.
  • The talented restaurateur carefully curated a menu that delighted the taste buds of the customers.
  • Many aspiring restaurateurs face numerous challenges when starting their own establishment.

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