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reel s

Noun reel has 6 senses
  1. reel - a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be projected by a movie projector
    --1 is a kind of film, photographic film
    Derived form: verb reel3
  2. reel - music composed for dancing a reel
    --2 is a kind of dance music, danceroom music, ballroom music
  3. reel - winder consisting of a revolving spool with a handle; attached to a fishing rod
    --3 is a kind of winder
    --3 is a part of fishing rod, fishing pole
    --3 is a member of
     fishing gear, tackle, fishing tackle, fishing rig, rig
    Derived form: verb reel3
  4. bobbin, spool, reel - a winder around which thread or tape or film or other flexible materials can be wound
    --4 is a kind of winder
    --4 has particulars: filature; shuttle
    Derived form: verb reel3
  5. reel, Scottish reel - a lively dance of Scottish highlanders; marked by circular moves and gliding steps
    --5 is a kind of square dance, square dancing
    --5 has particulars: highland fling; eightsome
  6. Virginia reel, reel - an American country dance which starts with the couples facing each other in two lines
    --6 is a kind of longways, longways dance
reek reeking reeking havoc reeks reel reel back reel in reel off reel s reel vendor reelect reelection reeled reeled of reeler reeling reeling

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