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Adjective quaking has 1 sense
  1. quaking, quivering, shaking, shaky, shivering, trembling - vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze; "a quaking bog"; "the quaking child asked for more"; "quivering leaves of a poplar tree"; "with shaking knees"; "seemed shaky on her feet"; "sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier"; "trembling hands"
    Antonym: steady (indirect, via unsteady)
Verb quake has 2 senses
  1. quiver, quake, palpitate - shake with fast, tremulous movements; "His nostrils palpitated"
    --1 is one way to tremble
    Derived form: noun quaker2
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s
  2. tremor, quake - shake with seismic vibrations; "The earth was quaking"
    --2 is one way to shake, agitate
    Derived form: noun quake1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s
quajint quake quaked quaker quaker gun quakerism quakers quakes quaking quaking aspen quakity quale qualidade qualification qualifications qualified qualifier

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