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Noun putting to death has 1 sense
- killing, kill, putting to death - the act of terminating a life
--1 is a kind of termination, ending, conclusion
--1 has particulars: | deathblow, coup de grace; death; euthanasia, mercy killing; homicide; dispatch, despatch; fell; suicide, self-destruction, self-annihilation; slaughter; poisoning; suffocation, asphyxiation; sacrifice, ritual killing; electrocution; decapitation, beheading; genocide, race murder, racial extermination |
Verb put to death has 1 sense
- execute, put to death - kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment; "In some states, criminals are executed"
--1 is a kind of kill; punish, penalize, penalise
Sample sentence:
They want to put to death the prisoners