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putting iron


Definitions from WordNet

Noun putting iron has 1 sense
  1. putter, putting iron - the iron normally used on the putting green
    --1 is a kind of iron

Definitions from the Web

Putting Iron


A putting iron refers to a specialized golf club used primarily for putting on the green.

Sense 1:

Noun: A golf club with a flatter face angle and shorter shaft, designed to be used for gentle strokes on the putting green.

Example sentence: He carefully selected his putting iron and made a precise stroke to sink the ball into the hole.

Related products: Putting Irons on Amazon

Sense 2:

Adjective: Describing a type of golf club or equipment designed specifically for putting.

Example sentence: The player opted for a putting iron grip for better control during short putts.

Related products: Putting Iron Grips on Amazon

Sense 3:

Phrase: Referring to the act of using a putting iron club during a game of golf.

Example sentence: She practiced her putting iron techniques every day to improve her overall game.

Related products: Putting Iron Training Aids on Amazon

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