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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective psychokinetic has 1 sense
  1. psychokinetic - moving an object without apparent use of physical means
    normal (indirect, via paranormal)

Definitions from the Web



  • adjective - relating to the ability to move objects or influence events with the power of the mind.
  • adjective - pertaining to or involving the study or manifestation of psychic power to control physical objects.
  • noun - a person who possesses psychokinetic abilities.

Sample Sentences:

  • She believed in her psychokinetic powers and practiced moving small objects with her mind.
  • The documentary explored the supposed phenomena of psychokinetic activity.
  • Many scientists remain skeptical about the existence of true psychokinetic abilities.
  • The psychokinetic used their extraordinary powers to twist and bend spoons with ease.

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