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pilot biscuit


Definitions from WordNet

Noun pilot biscuit has 1 sense
  1. hardtack, pilot biscuit, pilot bread, sea biscuit, ship biscuit - very hard unsalted biscuit or bread; a former ship's staple
    --1 is a kind of biscuit

Definitions from the Web

Pilot Biscuit


A pilot biscuit, also known as pilot bread or ship biscuit, is a type of hardtack that is a popular type of cracker or biscuit commonly used on long sea voyages. It is specially made to have a long shelf life and remain edible for extended periods of time without spoiling. They are typically dry and plain in taste, making them suitable for consumption with various spreads or accompaniments.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun: A type of hard, dry biscuit that is commonly eaten on long sea voyages.
    • Example Sentence 1: The sailors relied on pilot biscuits as a staple food during their journey across the Atlantic.
    • Example Sentence 2: The captain passed out pilot biscuits to the crew to keep them sustained during the stormy weather.
  2. Plural: pilot biscuits/li>
    • Example Sentence 1: The provisions for the long expedition included barrels of water and crates filled with pilot biscuits.
    • Example Sentence 2: The sailors eagerly devoured the pilot biscuits after days of limited rations.
  3. Related term: hardtack
    • Example Sentence 1: When studying maritime history, one often comes across descriptions of sailors surviving on hardtack and pilot biscuits.
    • Example Sentence 2: Hardtack and pilot biscuits were crucial supplies for explorers embarking on long expeditions.

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