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ship biscuit


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ship biscuit has 1 sense
  1. hardtack, pilot biscuit, pilot bread, sea biscuit, ship biscuit - very hard unsalted biscuit or bread; a former ship's staple
    --1 is a kind of biscuit

Definitions from the Web

Ship Biscuit

Ship Biscuit, also known as hardtack, is a type of dry and hard cracker that was commonly consumed by sailors during long sea voyages due to its long shelf life. It is typically made from flour, water, and salt, with no leavening agents used. Ship Biscuits were an essential food item during the age of sail and naval warfare.

Senses and Usages:


  1. A hard and dry cracker consumed by sailors during long sea voyages.
  2. Example sentence: The crew relied on ship biscuits for sustenance during their month-long journey at sea.

  3. A preserved food item that could withstand long journeys without spoiling.
  4. Example sentence: The ship's pantry was stocked with barrels of ship biscuits for the upcoming voyage.

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