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pilot chart


Definitions from WordNet

Noun pilot chart has 1 sense
  1. naval chart, navigational chart, pilot chart - a chart for a navigator showing the prevailing meteorological and hydrographic and navigational conditions
    --1 is a kind of chart

Definitions from the Web

Pilot Chart


A pilot chart is a navigational aid that provides information on weather and ocean conditions for specific regions. It is used by sailors and pilots to plan and navigate their voyages.



1. Sailors rely on pilot charts to analyze wind patterns, currents, and other important factors to determine the best route for their journey.

2. The pilot chart displayed the average temperatures and precipitation for the region, helping the pilot anticipate the weather they might encounter.


1. The captain piloted the ship through treacherous waters using the information provided by the pilot chart.

2. They carefully studied the pilot chart to pilot their aircraft safely around areas prone to turbulence.


1. The pilot chart data was used to make informed decisions about the most favorable sailing conditions.

2. The pilot chart forecast indicated a patch of foggy weather the pilots needed to take into account for their flight.

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