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parts inventory


Definitions from WordNet

Noun parts inventory has 1 sense
  1. parts inventory - an inventory of replacement parts
    --1 is a kind of
    inventory, stock list

Definitions from the Web

Parts Inventory

Definition: A collection or record of all the parts, components, or materials that are available in stock for manufacturing, repair, or maintenance purposes.


Sense: A physical or digital collection of parts, components, or materials that a business or organization keeps in stock.

Sample Sentence: The automotive workshop had a well-organized parts inventory, ensuring that they always had the required components for repairs.

Related Products: Parts Inventory Management Software


Sense: The act of maintaining or managing a collection of parts, components, or materials in stock.

Sample Sentence: The technician spent the afternoon parts inventorying, organizing all the newly arrived inventory into the database.


Sense: Relating to the local availability or accessibility of parts or components.

Sample Sentence: The company decided to expand its operations in the region due to the increasing demand for local parts inventory.

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