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Definitions from WordNet

Noun oriel has 1 sense
  1. oriel, oriel window - a projecting bay window corbeled or cantilevered out from a wall
    --1 is a kind of bay window, bow window

Definitions from the Web



  1. A type of bay window, projecting from an upper story and supported by brackets or corbels.
  2. Example sentence: The oriel in the bedroom provided a cozy reading nook with a panoramic view of the garden.

  3. A small private balcony or gallery projecting from a windowed room.
  4. Example sentence: Emily stood on the oriel, enjoying the breeze and watching the bustling city below.

  5. (Architecture) A porch or vestibule at a church entrance.
  6. Example sentence: The cathedral's elaborate oriel was adorned with intricate carvings and stained glass.

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