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mess hall


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mess hall has 1 sense
  1. mess, mess hall - a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax
    --1 is a kind of dining room, dining-room
    --1 has parts: training table
    --1 has particulars: officer's mess

Definitions from the Web

Mess Hall

Definition: The area or building where military personnel gather to eat their meals.

Example Sentence:

During basic training, all recruits gather at the mess hall to have their meals together.

Definition: A communal dining area, typically found in institutions such as boarding schools, camps, or prisons.

Example Sentence:

In the boarding school, students from different dormitories gather at the mess hall for breakfast every morning.

Definition: A dining facility or canteen for employees within a workplace or organization.

Example Sentence:

The company recently renovated the mess hall, turning it into a modern and comfortable space for employees to enjoy their lunches.

Definition: (Local) A small eating area or cafeteria commonly found on college or university campuses.

Example Sentence:

Let's meet up at the mess hall before class and grab a coffee together.

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