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mesquito netting


Definitions from the Web

Term: Mosquito Netting

Part of speech: Noun

Sense 1: A fine mesh fabric used to cover sleeping areas in order to keep mosquitoes and other insects out.

Example sentence 1: Don't forget to pack the mosquito netting when camping to protect yourself from annoying mosquito bites.

Example sentence 2: We draped mosquito netting over the bed to ensure a peaceful night's sleep without any buzzing insects.

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Term: Mosquito Netting

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Referring to something that is made of or covered with mosquito netting.

Example sentence 1: The picnic table was adorned with a beautiful mosquito netting canopy to keep away any pesky insects.

Example sentence 2: She purchased a lovely summer dress made from mosquito netting fabric, perfect for hot and humid days.

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Term: Mosquito Netting

Part of speech: Noun

Sense 2: A local term used to refer to fishing nets specifically designed to catch mosquitos in some regions.

Example sentence 1: The local fishermen set up mosquito nettings across small streams to control the mosquito population in the area.

Example sentence 2: The community organized a campaign to distribute mosquito nettings to households, combating the spread of diseases carried by mosquitos.

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