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life story


Definitions from WordNet

Noun life story has 1 sense
  1. biography, life, life story, life history - an account of the series of events making up a person's life
    --1 is a kind of history, account, chronicle, story
    --1 has particulars: autobiography; hagiography; profile; Parallel Lives

Definitions from the Web

Life Story

A life story refers to a narrative account of a person's life, including significant events, experiences, and achievements.

As a Noun:

Sense: A factual account of someone's life, usually written or told by the individual or someone close to them.

Usage: Her life story was filled with adversity and triumph, inspiring those who heard it.

Sample Sentence: Reading the life story of Mahatma Gandhi taught me valuable lessons about leadership and resilience.

As an Adjective:

Sense: Referring to anything that is related to or characteristic of a person's life.

Usage: The author shared her life story experiences through her compelling novels.

Sample Sentence: The movie portrayed the protagonist's life story struggle with authenticity and sensitivity.

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