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latent hostility


Definitions from WordNet

Noun latent hostility has 1 sense
  1. latent hostility, tension - feelings of hostility that are not manifest; "he could sense her latent hostility to him"; "the diplomats' first concern was to reduce international tensions"
    --1 is a kind of hostility, enmity, antagonism

Definitions from the Web

Dictionary Definitions - Latent Hostility


Latent Hostility refers to hidden or concealed animosity or unfriendly feelings that are not openly expressed.


As a noun:

  • She sensed a latent hostility in the room, even though everyone appeared friendly.
  • The team meeting had an atmosphere of latent hostility, making it difficult to have open discussions.

As an adjective:

  • His smile masked his latent hostile feelings towards his competitor.
  • The employee's latent hostile attitude became evident when he started criticizing his colleagues.

As an adverb:

  • The employees were working together, but latent hostilely, without showing their disagreements.

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