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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective latent has 2 senses
  1. latent - potentially existing but not presently evident or realized; "a latent fingerprint"; "latent talent"
    actual, existent (indirect, via potential)
  2. latent - not presently active; "latent infection"; "latent diabetes"
    active (indirect, via inactive)

Definitions from the Web



Adjective - Existing but not yet developed, visible, or obvious.

Noun - A dormant quality or characteristic that exists but is not actively expressed.


  1. Adjective - Hidden or concealed: The spy hoped to obtain crucial information from the latent files.
  2. Adjective - Potentially existing but currently dormant: After years of painting, her talent remained latent until she showcased it at the art exhibition.
  3. Adjective - Occurring or developing after an initial period of inactivity or dormancy: The virus can remain latent in the body for years before causing any symptoms.
  4. Noun - An inherent but not yet expressed characteristic: His latent talent for public speaking surfaced when he confidently addressed the large audience.


  1. The detective uncovered a latent threat in the form of a hidden message.
  2. Her latent desire to travel the world resurfaced after stumbling upon a travel documentary.
  3. During the winter, many plants have latent buds that will turn into beautiful blossoms in the spring.
  4. He had a latent fear of heights until he conquered it by skydiving.

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