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Definitions from WordNet

Verb island-hop has 1 sense
  1. island hop - travel from one island to the next; "on the cruise, we did some island-hopping"
    --1 is one way to travel, go, move, locomote
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web

Term: Island-hop


An activity where a person travels from one island to another, typically for exploration or leisure purposes.

Part of speech:

Verb (infinitive: to island-hop)


1. To travel consecutively between different islands, especially for sightseeing or adventure.

2. To move from one island to another without settling permanently.

Sample Sentences:

  1. During their vacation in the Caribbean, they decided to island-hop between Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica.
  2. Explorers often island-hop in the Pacific Ocean, discovering remote and untouched archipelagos.
  3. She dreams of island-hopping through the Aegean Sea, exploring the Greek Islands one by one.
  4. After visiting Oahu, they plan to island-hop to Maui and Kauai in Hawaii.

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