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interest rate swap definition


Definitions from the Web

Interest Rate Swap


An interest rate swap is a financial derivative contract between two parties to exchange interest rate payments. The swap allows each party to obtain a different type or duration of interest rate exposure. It is commonly used to manage or hedge against interest rate fluctuations.


Sense 1: Financial Contract

Interest rate swap is a financial contract that involves the exchange of interest payments between two parties.

Example: The bank entered into an interest rate swap with a hedge fund to hedge against the risk of rising interest rates.

Sense 2: Hedging Tool

Interest rate swap serves as a hedging tool to manage or mitigate exposure to interest rate fluctuations.

Example: The corporation decided to enter into an interest rate swap to protect itself from potential interest rate increases.

Sense 3: Interest Rate Exposure

Interest rate swap allows each party to obtain a different type or duration of interest rate exposure.

Example: A pension fund might enter into an interest rate swap to convert their fixed-rate bond into a floating-rate bond.

Sense 4: Financial Derivative

Interest rate swap is a type of financial derivative that derives its value from the underlying interest rates.

Example: The trader decided to invest in interest rate swaps as part of their diversified investment portfolio.

Sense 5: Risk Management

Interest rate swap is commonly used as a risk management tool by financial institutions and corporations.

Example: The bank employed interest rate swaps to reduce its exposure to interest rate risks in its loan portfolio.

Sense 6: Types of Swaps

Interest rate swap is one of the various types of swaps, such as currency swaps, equity swaps, and commodity swaps.

Example: The trader studied the different types of swaps available in the market, including interest rate swaps.

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