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interested affected parties


Definitions from the Web

Term: Interested Affected Parties


"Interested Affected Parties" refers to individuals or groups who have a stake or concern in a specific matter or decision. These parties have a vested interest and can be directly impacted by the outcome of the situation.

Senses and Usages:


1. In a legal context, "Interested Affected Parties" are individuals or organizations who are directly involved or have a legal interest in a particular case or proceeding.

Example Sentence: The court has notified all interested affected parties to appear during the trial.

2. In business settings, "Interested Affected Parties" are stakeholders or shareholders who are affected by a company's actions, decisions, or performance.

Example Sentence: The board meeting was attended by various interested affected parties interested in the company's future plans.


1. "Interested Affected Parties" can also be used as an adjective to describe a person or group who is concerned or impacted by a specific situation.

Example Sentence: The town hall meeting was attended by interested affected parties, all seeking answers and transparency.

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