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Noun instalment has 3 senses
  1. episode, installment, instalment - a part of a broadcast serial
    --1 is a kind of broadcast, program, programme
    --1 is a part of serial, series
    --1 has particulars: cliffhanger
  2. installment, instalment - a part of a published serial
    --2 is a kind of text, textual matter
    --2 is a part of series, serial, serial publication
    --2 has particulars: fascicle, fascicule
  3. installation, installing, installment, instalment - the act of installing something (as equipment); "the telephone installation took only a few minutes"
    --3 is a kind of beginning, start, commencement
    Derived form: verb instal1
installment debt installment loan installment plan installment rate installment sale installments installs instalment instalments instancd instance instance instanced instances instanciate instancy instane

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