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Noun hoax has 1 sense
  1. fraud, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-on - something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
    --1 is a kind of trickery, chicanery, chicane, guile, wile, shenanigan
    --1 has particulars: goldbrick; Piltdown man, Piltdown hoax
    Derived form: verb hoax1
Verb hoax has 1 sense
  1. hoax, pull someone's leg, play a joke on - subject to a palyful hoax or joke
    --1 is one way to deceive, lead on, delude, cozen
    Derived forms: noun hoax1, noun hoaxer1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s somebody
hoary marmot hoary pea hoary plantain hoary puccoon hoary willow hoase hoatzin hoax-filled hoax hoaxer hoaxes hob-nob hob hobart hobas hobbes hobbesian

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