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Noun guile has 3 senses
  1. craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness - shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
    --1 is a kind of shrewdness, astuteness, perspicacity, perspicaciousness
  2. craftiness, deceitfulness, guile - the quality of being crafty
    --2 is a kind of disingenuousness
  3. trickery, chicanery, chicane, guile, wile, shenanigan - the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
    --3 is a kind of deception, deceit, dissembling, dissimulation
    --3 has particulars:
     fraud, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-on; jugglery
guilable guilatin guild guild hierarchies guild socialism guilder guildhall guilds guile guileful guileless guiless guilessness guilherme guilin guillain-barre syndrome guillain

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