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heinrich von kleist


Definitions from WordNet

Noun heinrich von kleist has 1 sense
  1. Kleist, Heinrich von Kleist, Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist - German dramatist whose works concern people torn between reason and emotion (1777-1811)
    --1 is a kind of dramatist, playwright

Definitions from the Web

Heinrich von Kleist


Heinrich von Kleist was a German writer, dramatist, poet, and publicist. He is considered one of the greatest minds of German Romanticism, known for his literary works in various genres.


1. Proper Noun - Person:

Heinrich von Kleist refers to the German writer and playwright who lived from 1777 to 1811.

Sample Sentence:

Heinrich von Kleist's tragic plays, such as "The Broken Jug" and "Penthesilea," exhibit his exceptional talent for exploring human psychology.

2. Proper Noun - Literature:

Heinrich von Kleist represents the body of literary works produced by the German writer.

Sample Sentence:

Scholars often dive into the depths of Heinrich von Kleist's writings to unravel the complex themes and innovative narrative techniques present in his works.

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