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heinrich rudolph hertz


Definitions from WordNet

Noun heinrich rudolph hertz has 1 sense
  1. Hertz, Heinrich Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz - German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially (1857-1894)
    --1 is a kind of physicist

Definitions from the Web

Term: Heinrich Rudolph Hertz

Noun: Heinrich Rudolph Hertz is a German physicist who is best known for his discovery of electromagnetic waves, demonstrating the existence of radio waves in 1887.

Sample Sentence: Heinrich Rudolph Hertz's experiments paved the way for the development of modern wireless communication systems.

Adjective: The Hertzian frequency is named after Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, measuring the number of electromagnetic waves per second.

Sample Sentence: The Hertzian frequency range is crucial in understanding the behavior of radio signals.

Related Products: If you want to learn more about Heinrich Rudolph Hertz's contributions to physics and the field of electromagnetic waves, check out some of these books on Amazon.

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