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hackney coach


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hackney coach has 1 sense
  1. hackney, hackney carriage, hackney coach - a carriage for hire
    --1 is a kind of carriage, equipage, rig
    --1 has particulars: four-wheeler

Definitions from the Web

Hackney Coach


A hackney coach refers to a type of horse-drawn carriage that was commonly used for hire in the 17th to 19th centuries. It typically had a driver and could carry multiple passengers.

Sense 1:

Noun: A horse-drawn carriage for hire, used for transportation of passengers.

Example sentence: I hailed a hackney coach to take me to the theatre.

Sense 2:

Noun: An old-fashioned mode of transportation, popular in historical novels and period films.

Example sentence: The protagonist in the novel arrived in a grand hackney coach, stepping out in style.

Sense 3:

Verb: To use knowledge and skills to find a clever solution or workaround to a problem.

Example sentence: I had to hackney coach my way through the complex coding problem.

Sense 4:

Adjective: Relating to or characteristic of the Hackney district in London.

Example sentence: We explored the vibrant Hackney coach market over the weekend.

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