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go off at half-cock


Definitions from WordNet

Verb go off at half-cock has 1 sense
  1. go off half-cocked, go off at half-cock - act prematurely or without reflection or too soon; "she wanted to quit her job but her mother told her not to go off half-cocked"
    --1 is one way to act, move
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web

Term: Go off at half-cock

Part of Speech: Verb phrase


  1. To act or speak prematurely or without careful consideration.


This phrase is used to describe someone who acts or speaks without thinking things through, often resulting in negative consequences.

Sample Sentences:

  • He always goes off at half-cock, which leads to unnecessary conflicts with his colleagues.
  • She should have taken more time to think before making that decision instead of going off at half-cock.

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