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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective gassy has 2 senses
  1. gassy - resembling gas
    solid (indirect, via liquid, gaseous)
    Antonym: liquid (indirect, via gaseous, solid)
  2. colicky, flatulent, gassy - suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal
    Antonym: healthy (indirect, via unhealthy)

Definitions from the Web




1. Relating to or characterized by the presence of gas, especially in the digestive system.

2. Emitting or producing gas.

3. Tending to produce gas or flatulence.

Sample Sentences:

  • 1. After a heavy meal, he felt gassy and had to release some gas.
  • 2. The gassy smell coming from the sewer was unbearable.
  • 3. Her infant was colicky and often had gassy episodes.

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