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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective flatulent has 2 senses
  1. flatulent - generating excessive gas in the alimentary canal
    digestible (indirect, via indigestible)
  2. colicky, flatulent, gassy - suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal
    Antonym: healthy (indirect, via unhealthy)

Definitions from the Web




1. Involving or producing excessive gas in the digestive system.

2. Disposed to generate or release gas in the intestines, resulting in bloating and discomfort.

3. Emitting gas or air, especially in a noisy or offensive manner.


1. A person who frequently suffers from excessive gas and related discomfort.



  1. The flatulent foods he consumed during lunch caused him to have severe stomach pain.
  2. The flatulent dog kept emitting noisy gas throughout the evening.


  1. He was nicknamed "the flatulent" due to his constant struggles with indigestion.

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