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family liparididae


Definitions from WordNet

Noun family liparididae has 1 sense
  1. Liparididae, family Liparididae, Liparidae, family Liparidae - snailfishes
    --1 is a kind of fish family
    --1 is a member of Scorpaenoidea, suborder Scorpaenoidea
    --1 has members: Liparis, genus Liparis

Definitions from the Web

Family Liparididae


The Family Liparididae refers to a group of small fishes commonly known as snailfishes. These fishes belong to the order Scorpaeniformes and are primarily found in cold marine waters.


Sense 1:

As a noun, the family Liparididae denotes a taxonomic family of small marine fishes.

Example sentence: The family Liparididae includes various species of snailfishes, such as the redfin snailfish.

Popular Usages:

Usage 1:

In popular usage, the term "family Liparididae" is often used to refer to the snailfishes found in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Example sentence: Explorers discovered several new species from the family Liparididae during their Arctic expedition.

Local Usages:

Usage 1:

Locally, the family Liparididae is mentioned in discussions and research among marine biologists studying cold-water ecosystems.

Example sentence: The local research team conducted a study on the breeding patterns of various species belonging to the family Liparididae.

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