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family life cycles


Definitions from the Web

Family Life Cycles


Family life cycles refer to the various stages and transitions that a typical family goes through over time, including changes in structure, roles, and responsibilities.


Sense 1: Developmental Stages

In this sense, family life cycles represent the different stages that a family progresses through, including formation, expansion, contraction, and empty nest.

Example sentence: "The family life cycle of the Smiths began with their marriage and later expanded when they had children."

Sense 2: Evolution of Roles

In this sense, family life cycles describe how roles and responsibilities evolve within a family unit as children grow up and individuals age.

Example sentence: "The family life cycle involves a shift in roles, such as from being a parent of young children to becoming a grandparent."

Sense 3: Cultural Variations

This sense refers to how family life cycles may differ across different cultures, reflecting the distinctive values, customs, and traditions of each society.

Example sentence: "The family life cycles in traditional Asian cultures often emphasize strong filial ties and multi-generational households."

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