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Noun examination has 5 senses
  1. examination, scrutiny - the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)
    --1 is a kind of investigation, investigating
    --1 has particulars:
     audit; autopsy, necropsy, postmortem, PM, postmortem examination; checkup, medical checkup, medical examination, medical exam, medical, health check; comparison, comparing; fine-tooth comb, fine-toothed comb; follow-up, followup, reexamination, review; going-over; once-over, look-over; palpation, tactual exploration; endoscopy; keratoscopy; rhinoscopy; scan; search; survey, study; testing; time and motion study, time-and-motion study, time-motion study, motion study, time study, work study; inspection, review; bank examination
    Derived form: verb examine2
  2. examination, exam, test - a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge; "when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions"
    --2 is a kind of communication, communicating
    --2 has particulars:
     bar examination, bar exam; entrance examination, entrance exam; final examination, final exam, final; litmus test; midterm examination, midterm exam, midterm; oral, oral exam, oral examination, viva voce, viva; preliminary examination, preliminary exam, prelim; quiz; test paper, examination paper, exam paper, question sheet; tripos
    Derived forms: verb examine5, verb examine3, verb examine4
  3. interrogation, examination, interrogatory - formal systematic questioning
    --3 is a kind of questioning, inquiring
    --3 has particulars:
     catechism; deposition; inquisition; third degree; cross-examination; direct examination; redirect examination, reexamination; interview; debriefing
    Derived forms: verb examine3, verb examine4
  4. examen, examination - examination of conscience (as done daily by Jesuits)
    --4 is a kind of introspection, self-contemplation, self-examination
    Derived forms: verb examine5, verb examine1
  5. examination, testing - the act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know or have learned
    --5 is a kind of investigation, investigating
    --5 has particulars: eleven-plus, 11-plus
    Derived forms: verb examine5, verb examine3, verb examine4
examin examinable examinant examinate examination examination have examination paper examination unit, human resource development group csir examinations examine examined examinee examinence examiner examiners examines examining

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