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Definitions from WordNet

Noun engram has 1 sense
  1. engram, memory trace - a postulated biochemical change (presumably in neural tissue) that represents a memory
    --1 is a kind of memory

Definitions from the Web



An engram refers to a hypothetical physical or biochemical change in the neural tissue that represents a memory or learned experience. It is a concept often used in neuroscience and psychology to understand how memories are encoded and stored in the brain.

Sense 1: Noun

Definition: A physical or biochemical change in the neural tissue that represents a memory or learned experience.

Example sentence: The engram of her childhood trauma was deeply embedded in her brain.

Sense 2: Verb

Definition: To create or encode a memory or learned experience in neural tissue.

Example sentence: The smell of freshly baked cookies engrammed a strong association with her grandmother in her mind.

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