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definition of radiation pyrometer


Definitions from the Web

Definition of Radiation Pyrometer


A radiation pyrometer refers to a type of temperature-measuring instrument that determines the temperature of an object by detecting and analyzing the thermal radiation emitted by the object.

Sample Sentences:

As a Noun (Singular):

1. The radiation pyrometer is commonly used in industrial applications for measuring the temperature of molten metals.

2. The scientist utilized a radiation pyrometer to accurately measure the temperature of the distant star.

As a Noun (Plural):

1. The technicians relied on radiation pyrometers to ensure the uniformity of temperatures within the furnace.

2. Many radiation pyrometers were deployed across the laboratory to collect data during the experiment.

As a Verb:

1. The engineers decided to radiation pyrometer readings to monitor the heat distribution in the energy plant.

2. It is crucial to properly calibrate the equipment before pyrometring any object using a radiation pyrometer.

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